Wednesday, November 9, 2011


One outstanding tragedy of the human condition is how words become bastardized through usage or more accurately through mis-usage.  One of the most precious words in any language is спутник.  The word means one who pilgrimages together with another, one who travels together with another.  Please notice the emphasis here on "together with."  This is zajedno.  People have such trouble with zajedno, literally "for one" or "as one, "together." Not one leading another and one following, nor one dominate and the other dominated, nor one more and the other less, but zajedno с путник

God said.  Jesus said "I go so that the спутник will come."  In this context Sveti Duha is the спутник and certainly no human should think he can dominate Sveti Duha , never.  The twisted logic of the  human condition now is to jump forward and say "if I can not dominate Sveti Duha then He must come to dominate me."  Since humans really do not like to be dominated by any one they begin to hate Sveti Duha and they turn away from God and God's ways entirely.

There is a serious flaw in this reasoning which leads to this result.  This reasoning perhaps describes how the human would behave but it does not describe how Sveti Duha is behaving.  Read:  "Но говорю вам истину, Я ухожу ради вашего же блага. Если Я не уйду,  то  Утешитель не придет к вам, но если Я пойду, то пошлю Его к вам."  For those of you who do not read Russian, that's from the Gospel of John 16:7.  You are on the internet, Google it up right now and read it in your own language.  I'll wait right here until you get back from reading this and then we will continue this discussion. 

Sveti Duha no comes to be some Tsar, heaven knows we have enough of those.  Sveti Duha comes to be то  Утешитель, which is to say, наш спутник, наш путник, naš Putnik zajedno s nama, fellow wayfarer on life's pilgrimage with us.  This is what Sveti Duha says about himself.  Is what Jesus says about Sveti Duha Sveti Duha s putnik nama.

It's really no difficult to understand this is it?  Does it take a rocket scientist to understand?  I don't think so.  I don't think so because I believe that God has purposefully and carefully put His words for us in clear human language easy for us to understand.  Most of the time when God's words become difficult to understand it is because we are substituting our own words and our own thoughts for God's words and God's thoughts.  In other words, we are the one's who screw everything up.

Very often the church doesn't help.  I am very sorry for that.  It's the church's job to stand against the misuse of precious words and keep the message simple and clear and comforting, but oh no, too often the church, catholic, orthodox, protestant, or whatever,  obfuscates and muddies the water for the people.  If the church doesn't screw up the people, the people screw up the church and sometimes the people and the church walk hand in hand together making a mess of things.

Let's see, an example:  the role of the "pastor" is to speak about Sveti Duha who comes to be naš Putnik zajedno s nama.  That's his only task, nothing more, nothing less.  Somehow then we humans with our sense of order have to have ranks of pastors and soon there are bishops and archbishops and popes and what not.  The popular assumption then is that the pastor himself must be one rank above the people and pretty soon we have Sveti župnik.  Ajjjjjjjjjjjjjjj!!!!  And now Sveti Duha is no where any longer mentioned except in passing like when we make the sign of the cross and think  "oh yeah,  U ime Oca, i Sina, i Duha Svetoga. Amen" as if by saying the words we've done something.  But where in this is Sveti Duha?  I can tell you where He is.  He is shaking His head in sorrow and weeping for us because He really did come to be naš Putnik zajedno s nama and we have kicked Him off the bus. 

I repeat, one of the most precious words in any language is спутник, s putnik, which is to say literally on english a "with traveler."  The politicians in eastern Europe understood this well when they called the nations in eastern Europe not directly in the Soviet sphere sputniks.  The word was supposed to paint a picture about fellow traveling on a joint enterprise.  That painting was later vandalized in the minds of the people in the West when Soviet troops occupied Praha and Budapest but that came later.  The day when the real meaning of спутник was destroyed in the West, and perhaps everywhere, was on Friday, the fourth of October, 1957. 

From Hajden, a Croat who lived on the estates of a Slovak noble in Hungary, with a lot of  help from CJ, comes a little production  which is unlisted on Canoval's YouTube channel.  Its our first attempt at merging music long distance, something totally unheard of not so many years ago.
Surprise!!! Yes, that's from Hajden's 94th or Surprise Symphony, otherwise widely known as "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and that's CJ's voice you've just heard but that's not her picture on the video - CJ is a lot prettier :)

twinkle twinkle little czar
how I wonder what you are
high above us there you fly
twinkle twinkle in the sky

Friday, the fourth of October, 1957.  The press and the propagandists in the West could not have s putnik meaning anything nice.  S putnik could no longer mean something or someone naš putnik zajedno s nama.

From that day came the fall of the Eastern European civilization.  From that day began the fall of the West.  From that day forward came chaos.  No, the fall of civilization on earth did not begin that day.  The fall began much earlier but that day, Friday the fourth of October 1957, marks the day the world ended.

to be continued ...

do sljedeći put, blagoslov - until next time, blessings,

Canovals a.k.a. Slavonac
9 studenog 2011

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